T-SQL Tuesday #112: Cookies!!

..this analogy of “dipping into the cookie jar”. What events or accomplishments can I take sustenance from, draw strength from, during these times?


Hi folks. It’s been a minute. Frankly it’s been a rough 5 months. On the career front, I’m faced with the challenge of virtualizing our core business-critical SQL instances with minimal downtime. And, because of personal/life stuff, it’s been difficult to stay focused and productive.

So this #tsql2sday‘s topic is poignant, I suppose — this analogy of “dipping into the cookie jar”. What events or accomplishments can I take sustenance from, draw strength from, during these times?

As usual, we must thank our host, Shane O’Neill (b|t), and remind readers to check out tsqltuesday.com.


Back when I first took this current job, I was worried sick about doing the commute every day. One and a half to two hours in traffic each way. Even if I used toll-roads, it might save 10-15 minutes, but it was still super stressful. But my family never stopped encouraging me, telling me it would pay off. And, when the time was right, I should have the telecommute/remote-work conversation with management.

And of course, to nobody’s surprise, they were right. I now work from home 4 days a week, take a vanpool the 5th day, and am much happier and more productive (in general!), much less stressed, and a markedly better driver.


One of the first big projects on my plate was upgrading & migrating the SQL 2005 instances to new hardware and SQL 2016. We didn’t use anything super fancy for the actual migration, just backup shipping, essentially. DbaTools came in very handy for copying over the logins/users without having to hash/unhash passwords. The main hiccups were around Agent Jobs and Replication. Jobs were turned off at the old server before they were enabled on the new, but due to lack of documentation and understanding of some, it became difficult to see which ones were critically needed “now” vs. which could wait a while, and which may have dependencies on other SQL instances (via linked-servers) that may or may not have moved.

And replication is just a PITA in general. Fortunately, I took this as a ‘growth opportunity’ to more fully document and understand the replication environment we were dealing with. So at the end of the project, we had a full list of replication pub-subs with their articles, a sense of how long they each took to re-initialize, and a decision-process to consult when adding-to or updating articles within them.

Continuous Learning

A similar upgrade-migration project came to fruition in 2017: the ERP system upgrade. This was a delicious combo meal of both the database instance upgrade (SQL 2008R2 to 2016) and the application & related services/middleware (Dynamics NAV 2009 to 2017). And as I blogged about, it came with a super sticky horrible side-effect that we’re still dealing with over a year later: a different collation than the rest of our DB environment.

Which reminds me, I need to do some follow-up posts to that. Briefly, the “best” band-aids so far have been thus:

  1. If only dealing with the ERP entities, without joins to other DBs, just leave collations alone. The presentation layer won’t care (whether that SSRS or a .NET app).
  2. If relating (joining) ERP entities to other DB entities, I’ll load the ERP data into temp-tables that use the other DB’s collation, then join to those temp-tables. The “conversion” is essentially ‘free on write’, meaning when we load the weird-collation data into a temp-table that’s using the normal-collation, there’s no penalty for it.

As I said, I’ll try to dive into this more in a future post. It’s been a life-saver for performance problems that cropped up as a result of the upgrade & the different collations.

But the point here is that, even though this project didn’t end up as wildly successful as we’d hoped, it’s still a success, because we learned some key lessons and were able to pivot effectively to address the problems in a reasonable way. And frankly, there was no going back anyway; it’s not like the business would have said “Oh, never mind, we’ll just stick with the old versions of everything” (even though some reticent managers would probably have enjoyed that!). So even when things seem bleak, there’s always a way around.

when the going gets tough, the tough take a coffee break
Wait a minute…


I’m still trying to be the very best DBA & BI-Dev I can, supporting the dozens of requests & projects that the business throws at us. Fortunately, with the incredible SQL Community, a wonderfully supportive family, and a fantastic team of colleagues, I remember how far I’ve come, on whose shoulders I stand, and how much promise the future holds.

T-SQL Tuesday #104: Code You’d Hate to Live Without

And that’s where we could use a little encouragement, I think — another DBA saying “Yay, it’s not just me!” makes it all worthwhile.

It’s that time of the month again!  Bert‘s fantastic invitation complete with YouTube vid is tempting indeed.  There are so many wonderful community scripts and tools for SQL Server DBAs.  But, in an interesting twist, he specifically asks us about something self-written or self-created.  And I’ll admit, I sometimes have trouble being exceptionally ‘proud’ of my home-brewed stuff.  Sure, I’ve blogged and GitHub‘d, and hopefully those have helped someone along the way.  Most of the time, though, those are specifically suited to a given use-case.

The more difficult code to share, I think, is the stuff that we keep in our “daily-grind” “Get-Stuff-Done” folders.  Scripts that we’ve tweaked and commented sporadically throughout the years, finding this edge-case or that tweak for a given scenario, most of which ends up being pretty environment-specific.  And that’s where we could use a little encouragement, I think — another DBA saying “Hey, it’s not just me!”, or “I knew there was another guy/gal out there who always has to do this kind of thing!”.  Thus, here I will attempt to show off something along those lines and see what you kind folks think.

Where Does it Hurt?

No, I don’t mean the famous wait-stats queries by Paul Randal (those are awesome).  I mean, what are the top few areas of your SQL environment where you’re always questioning something, or being asked to find some answer that’s not immediately obvious?  For me, there are 3.


Transactional replication is, in a word, ‘brittle’.  It works well when it’s working, and usually you don’t have to think about it.  But when you do need to check on it, or change anything about it (god forbid), or troubleshoot it (more like shoot it, amirite?), it feels a bit like trying to mess with a half-played Jenga stack.  Meaning, you might be just fine, but you might send the whole thing crashing down and have to rebuild it all.

As brittle as this stuff. But not nearly as delicious.

I won’t go into the whole troubleshooting aspect here, that’s too much scope.  But there’s a question that can often come up, especially from Devs or Biz-Analysts, and that is: “Hey, is TableX being replicated?”  And rather than subject my poor eyeballs to the replication properties GUI, I just run a little query, which reads from the distribution database and the actual database that’s being published (the ‘publisher’ db), and tells me a list of tables & columns that are being replicated.

Here it is.  Be sure to replace [dbName] with your actual published DB name.  Like StackOverflow or WideWorldImporters, or AdventureWorks <shudder>.

Report Subscriptions (SSRS)

Another question I’m often asked is, “Hey, did ReportX run?”  What they really mean is, “Did ReportX‘s email subscription get sent to BigWigUserY?”  We have an unholy amount of SSRS reports with email subscriptions.  And because I don’t care to bloat my inbox by BCC’ing myself with every single one, I rely on the users to speak up when they don’t receive something they’re expecting.

“This is a terrible idea.”, you say.  “Never trust the users!”

Yes, well, such is life.  If you have a better lazier solution I’m all ears.

So here’s a little script I wrote to query the ReportServer database (which MS will tell you is “officially unsupported”, snore).  If I know some keyword from the report title, or the supposed recipient’s email address, this will tell me if it ran successfully or not — LastRun, LastStatus.  A couple other useful bits: where it lives, ReportPath, and what its SQL Agent Job’s Name is, JobName.

That last bit is peculiar.  The JobName looks like a GUID (because it is, because SSRS just loves GUIDs), but it’s also the actual name of the agent job, which you can use to re-run said job — via exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job — if the failure wasn’t systemic.  As I often do.

Disk Space

Last but not least, everybody’s favorite topic to try and forget about or pawn-off to the SysAdmins.  “How much space are those databases / data files / log files eating up?”  Well, mister suddenly-cares-about-disk-space-but-is-OK-with-storing-all-domain-users’-iTunes-music-libraries-on-the-central-fileshare-along-with-their-documents-because-that’s-what-we’ve-always-done.  {True story.}  Let me tell you.

keep calm and release the bitter
It’s healthy, I swear!

This script has a lot of comments and commented-out lines because I will tweak it depending on what I need to see.  Sometimes it’s “show me the DBs where the logical filename doesn’t follow my preferred pattern” (the DB name with ‘_data’ or ‘_log’ after it); or perhaps “Only show me files over 5GB with a lot of free space” when I’m itching to shrink something.

“Never shrink your files!  (In production!)”

Yes, thank you, knee-jerk reactionary.  I’m dealing with servers in lower environments, usually, with this one.  😉

What do you think?

I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments!  Happy Tuesday!!  =)

Credit where credit is due.

I did not magically come up with these all by myself.  They’re pieced together from many a StackOverflow answer and/or other community blog post or contribution that I’ve since forgotten.  I usually store a link to the source in these kind of things, when it’s true copy-pasta, but in these cases, I added enough of my own tweaks & style that I no longer tracked the original linkage.  If you see anything that looks familiar, please do tell me where to give kudos and shout-outs!  😀